Wednesday, November 28, 2007


As devised by the Dulwich Health Society

1. For six consecutive days drink two litres of fresh, pure apple juice per day. Beg, borrow or steal a juicer if you can and use organic green apples, which have a higher pectin content than red apples. The pectin in the apple juice will begin to soften the gallstones. If you do not have a juicer, ensure you purchase organic apple juice, and eat organic green apples. It also helps to drink 5 cups of camomile tea per day. During this time eat sensibly, following the guidelines on page 3.

2. On the sixth day, eat nothing after lunch but continue to drink the apple juice and camomile tea.

3. At 9.00 p.m on the sixth day, take 1-2 level tablespoons of Epsom salts* dissolved in a little warm water. Prepare another dose incase you need it later.

4. At 10.00 p.m mix together 2 oz/60ml of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice and 4 oz/120 ml of cold-pressed, unrefined extra virgin olive oil. Drink as slowly as you can manage. (Drinking it through a straw helps, so that the oil does not come into contact with the lips.)

5. Got to bed immediately and lay on your right side for 30 minutes with your right knee drawn up to your chest before you go to sleep, to help the olive oil mix drain.

6. During the next day you should pass gallstones that are as soft as putty.

*The Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) are used to dilate the bile duct, to reduce the risk of a stone becoming lodged there. If you suspect that a stone may have become lodged (which will produce a mild, dull pain in comparison the extremely sharp pain of a gallstone attack), repeat the procedure.

*Ultrasound scans can detect gallstones as small as 2 millimetres in diameter with an accuracy of 90-95%.

Olive oil dissolves gall stones and lubricates the tube that leads from the gall bladder to the duodenum, and once the larger stones have been eliminated to the duodenum, it will now become easy to pass on and out through the rectum.
I recommend eating cherries, radishes especially horseradish to help you cope faster from your gall bladder stone treatment. Plus drinking of apple juice can also make your treatment complete.
If you have an infected gall bladder, it is best to do the following:
Put as hot applications as you can endure over the organ.
Then apply a half cup of pure olive oil with very hot cloth.
Heat will attract the blood, as well as the oil to that region.
After half an hour, do some gentle exercises; swing hands up and down, over head, sideway-anything that will stimulate the liver. The exercise will work the oil and blood through the tissues, and the infection will come out. Do this every night.

Dr Lewis found that 99% of the people who did his gall bladder cleanse had gall stones.

Dr Lewis' method removes gall stones:
* Easily
* Painlessly
* Virtually for free
* Usually overnight
PLUS you get to keep your gall bladder, which is essential to keep your body at peak health!

The ONLY ingredients you need are virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

There are some optional ingredients: Prior to the cleanse, apple, carrot, orange or grapefruit juice for a brief fast. During the cleanse, some V8 juice or pineapple juice.

Following the cleanse he strongly recommends vitamin c, methionince, choline, inositol and lecithin be added to your daily supplements.


A colonic irrigation to clean out the system for easier elimination of the stones is recommended prior to the cleanse. You may need to start this a week or so before the treatment, to be able to have several colonic irrigations.

If you can't have colonic irrigation, consider an enema.

Do one or two days of modified fasting using fresh juices. Apple and carrot juice are probably the best. Unsweetened orange and grapefruit are next. Fresh is the first choice, fresh frozen second.

Drink as much as you like!


Pick a day when you have nothing much to do the next day, and preferably even the day after. Friday is best for most people who have the weekend off. Don't make any plans to go out!

DO NOT EAT ANY SOLID FOOD after noon on the cleanse day. You may drink water or fresh juices, as much as you like.

DO NOT HAVE ANY FLUIDS after 6.30 pm (or 30 minutes before the start of your treatment) on the day of cleanse. Give your stomach time to evacuate all the fluids. Then the olive oil won't float up on top of the fluid and your chances of nausea will be greatly reduced.

One pint of cold virgin olive oil.
One half-pint of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Peppermint oil (from your health food store)
Pineapple or V8 juice (note: Biotta vegetable juice from Health food store is likely better than V8)
Measuring cup or tablespoon size measuring spoon
Pitcher of water
Paint stirring stick
Jar with screw-on lid
Index cards
Net to drape under the toilet seat, to catch your stones

Place the net under you toilet seat so it will be ready when you need it. Lift the seat and place the net across the porcelain stool, then replace the seat so it will hold the net in place. Place the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick next to the toilet ready for when you need them. Also have handy the screw-on lid for storing your gall stones and the index card.
If you should experience extreme nausea or vomiting, try chasing it with a small amount of V8 juice or pineapple juice. Or you might try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the olive oil. Use one of these mixtures for a couple of doses and then go back to the olive oil and lemon juice without adding anything.


12 Noon
Stop eating all solid food

6.30 pm
Stop drinking all fluids

7.00 pm
Using a measuring device, pour ¼ cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it.
Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice.
Lie down and relax.
Repeat this every 15 minutes. Sit up, swallow it and lie down again. If possible, have someone else bring them to you.
Relax, read or watch television. Keep as still as possible. It is best to lie on your right side.
Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed all of the pint of olive oil. If there is any lemon juice left, drink it all.
It is now probably 10.00 or 10.30 pm

Remember, if you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations, use the peppermint oil in the olive oil, or chase the olive oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice, until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice.

While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice, if it gets hard to swallow, take a little more time between doses. Try 20 minutes between doses, or 25 minutes. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. If you are too nauseated to get it all down, take as much as you possibly can.

You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. Lie on your right side. This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gall bladder to act as a lubricant. This, along with the softening action of the lemon juice, will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder. Stay in bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes.

That was really quite simple, wasn't it?

About 2.00 or 3.00 am you'll probably wake up with the unmistakeable urge to go to the toilet. It may not happen. For some, it doesn't happen until 11am the next day. If your first bowel movement is at 2.00 or 3.00 am you will probably have no stones in it, but you'll want to check to be sure.

When you have the first bowel movement after the cleanse, you'll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick to wash the fecal material through the net. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net.

You can use the index card, folded in half, as a makeshift shovel. Place the stones in the jar and screw the lid on. You may want to show your stones to some people. Many will be amazed, but some will still be unbelievers. You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worth while. After a few days they will dissolve (because of the lemon juice and oil). If you want to keep them for an indefinite period, store them in your freezer with a label - GALL STONES. DON'T' EAT!!!!

You may notice green objects and maybe greenish liquid excrement in the toilet bowel. Those are small gall stones. Some gall stones may be dissolved by the treatment.

Dr Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gall stones. If you are one of these 1%, don't be disappointed. In some individuals, the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body. IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements, the cleanse has been effective.

Notice any increase in vitality that usually follows the cleanse.

Remember, optimum efficiency in the human body can only occur if all our God-given parts are working properly.

Some people (including doctors) will say that your gall stones are not gall stones but fecal matter. To quote from Dr Lewis:
"To clarify the situation and eliminate such questions, I sent a sample of gall stones to a medical analysis lab run by a Ph.D. who heads up the Science Department at Texas Woman's University in Denton. He ran the necessary tests…
His analysis of the stone sample I sent was 91% cholesterol and the rest was bile salts, water and inert ingredients. In other words, the sample had the chemical contents of gall stones. And the report clearly states it was gall stones".
Step One
*For the first five days, take four
glasses of apple juice every day. Or
eat four or five apples, whichever you
prefer. Apple juice softens the
gallstones. During the five days, eat
Step Two
*On the sixth day, take no dinner. At
6 pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt
(magnesium sulphate) with a glass of
warm water.
* At 8 pm, repeat the same. Magnesium
sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.
Step Three
* At 10 pm, take half-cup olive oil
(or sesame oil) with half cup fresh
lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it.
The oil lubricates the stones to ease
their passage.
Step Four
The next morning, you will find green
stones in your stools. "Usually they
float," Chiu Nan notes. "You might
want to count them. I have had people
who pass 40, 50 or up to 100 stones.
That s a lot..! "Even if you don't
have any symptoms of gallstones, you
still might have some. It's always
good to give your gall bladder a clean
up now and then.